Guides For Job Seeker

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Path of a Resume or CVThis article, originally appearing in Contract Pharma, describes the path of a resume from the time you send it off until it lands on the desk of an interested person.

Keep it Real – The path of the "authentic" job seeker, and why it is better to be yourself than just another job-search copycat. Sometimes those great, snappy answers in interview preparation books can actually hurt you. Originally appeared in Contract Pharma.

Working in the Phone Zone – Originally appearing in Contract Pharma, this piece describes how to make the telephone a power tool for an effective job search. Also, "answering machine etiquette."

Job Offer Negotiations, Part One – The first of two columns discussing how to get around "the salary question" in job interviews, as well as setting the stage for a good job offer discussion. Also describes the differences in a "first offer, best offer" type of company; from Contract Pharma.
Job Offer Negotiations, Part Two – The conclusion of the popular two-part series from Contract Pharma about the salary and job offer discussion process. Includes six tips for negotiating the best package.

Resume Confusion and Clarification
– This article, originally appearing in Contract Pharma, describes the difference between a resume and a CV, and how to structure a great combination document for the industry job search.
A Tight Focus and a Single-Minded Pursuit – One of the most powerful mindsets that you can bring to a job search is the ability to focus on your goals, making them a single-minded pursuit. Don’t let yourself get dragged down by negative thoughts! Originally from Contract Pharma.

Maximize the Job Fair – This article, originally distributed inside the Annual BIO Meeting Job Fair Brochure, describes steps that you can take to optimize your job fair experience.

An Interview with Richard Nelson Bolles – A private conversation with the author of "What Color Is Your Parachute?" the best selling job search and career book of all time. Conducted in 1995, many of the points discussed with Dick Bolles still ring true--particularly in times of large pharmaceutical industry layoffs. Originally printed in Genetic Engineering News.
Digesting New Ideas – This article, originally from Science’s Next Wave, provides commentary on the value of rethinking old problems.

Behavioral Interviewing – Originally published in Contract Pharma, this article describes a variety of methods used by professional interviews to learn about "the real you." This piece includes a sidebar on the STAR Interviewing Technique, used by many H/R professionals.

Two Career Blunders – Avoiding these missteps is easy when you can see them coming. This article is an essay from "Managing Your Career" in Contract Pharma about the dangers of a counter-offer, and the inability that some technical people have to speak positively about themselves when they need to.

Juggling Your Priorities – Sometimes your day job must co-exist with your job search, or vice-versa. This "Managing Your Career" column offers a number of Q&A’s about how you manage your resources when the truly important tasks take a backseat to the "must handle" daily crisis.

The Telephone Interview – Originally appearing in BioPharm, this article is reprinted here by Search Masters International, the division of Kelly Services that was founded by David G. Jensen in the late 1980’s. [Please note that the contact information in this older article is no longer correct, and that Dave can be reached through CTI].

Developing a Fast-Track Chemistry Career – Originally appearing in American Biotechnology Laboratory, this article interviews a number of chemists in both large and small companies about how they put their careers on the "fast track."

Psychometric Testing on Interview Day – This article originally appeared in Science’s Next Wave. It discusses a wide variety of psychometric tests that are sometimes given by company H/R staff. The piece features an interview with one of the world leaders in psychometric testing.

Rebel with a Cause – The job search rebel doesn’t sit in front of his or her computer filling out online job applications. This article, originally from Contract Pharma, describes the traits of this successful job seeker.

Job Market Competition: The Recruiter’s Log – There’s a lot of competition out there for jobs. No one is confronted with this competition the way a recruiter is, on a daily basis. Here’s a week or two in the life of a headhunter (from Contract Pharma), which will help you understand how and why to separate yourself from the pack.

Recruiters: How to Sneak Around, Double Your Pay, and Have a Blast Being Headhunted – This article originally appeared in Contract Pharma. It discusses how to approach headhunters, the types of recruiters and how they work, and more.

10 Skills that Get You Hired! – From the "Managing Your Career" series in BioPharm and Contract Pharma, this article covers some of the obvious ones (such as Job Related Skills), along with a number of skill areas you may not have thought were important.

15 Minutes to a Better Interview
– Originally appearing in BioPharm, this version is produced by Search Masters International, a company that Dave Jensen founded in 1988. Please note that the contact information shown for the author is outdated – contact Dave through CTI.

Walking, Talking Interview Machine – Don’t let the "dark side" of interviewing preparation suck you in! This article, appearing in Science’s Next Wave, describes the best way to approach self-analysis, a critical component of the interview prep process.

Three Networking Scenarios, Part One – A series that first ran on AAAS’s Science’s Next Wave dealing with the difficulties in the networking process, including real life stories of networkers making it work for them.

Three Networking Scenarios, Part Two – This is Part 2 of the networking series, from Dave Jensen’s monthly column "Tooling Up," at the AAAS’s Science’s Next Wave.

Understanding the Global Roller-Coaster Biotechnology Job Market – From February, 2002, this article from Science’s Next Wave describes the core reasons behind the ups and downs of the biotech job market. Macro trends are identified and continued growth is forecasted.

I Wish… Deliberations from Further Down the Career Path
– One of the best sources of information for anyone looking for a career in industry is the person just a few years ahead on the same career path. Here are a number of industry people responding to the question, "What do you wish you had known before taking a job in industry?" The article was originally in Science’s Next Wave.

Up Your Network – From the pages of Contract Pharma’s "Managing Your Career" column, written by David G. Jensen. This article describes a variety of networking types and how important it is to keep in touch with these important people.

Persistence and Optimism: The Force Multipliers – The two factors behind most successful job seekers, and behind most successful business people, are persistence and optimism. This article is written by David G. Jensen, and originally appeared in BioPharm.

Gone in 60 Seconds – Originally appearing in "Managing Your Career," Contract Pharma, this article describes the difficulties of making progress with a job search when you are so often stuck with voicemail messages and email. In both cases, your message has to make an impact in 60 seconds or less.

Lots of Fish in the Sea - Written for The Scientist, this short article describes the difficulties with being one piece of paper in the huge stack that Human Resources gets every day. 

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