Auto Post Your Blog Posts to Twitter, Facebook, and More!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Your blog, as part of your content marketing strategy, can take up a lot of hours in your day. There is keyword optimization. Writing your scannable blog post. Finding pictures for your post. Then when you publish you need to spread your content around the web using your many social media accounts (like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more). What if I told you, I can make the last step easy for you?
It is true. And the answer is Auto Post your Blog Posts. The three services mentioned below, will take the content you just wrote and distribute (or auto post)  it to all your social network accounts with just one click or email. These services are all similar in that you sign-up for an account, add your social network accounts, and you’re ready to go! Leave the bulk of your social media work to these autoposting sites and use your valuable time writing pillar articles for your blog.


Posterous makes having a website easy. When you sign up for a Posterous account, you can automatically begin to post everything online by using email. And you can send any type of file attachment (.doc, .xls, .avi, .ppt, etc…) and they will convert it the most web friendly format available. Yes, send audio files. You can send multiple picture files where they will resize the photos, create a gallery and post it. Send video files… you name it.
Posterous also allows you to autopost and update all your other social media services (YouTube, FriendFeed, WordPress, Google Buzz, and more) with your one email. Just set up your Autopost sites in your Posterous account. Then when you create a normal post via email, it will autopost to all those sites you just added. It can update your status on Twitter and Facebook. Post your photos on Facebook and Flickr. Your Blogger and Wordpess accounts will show your entire post.
Pro: Just post via email
Con: Can’t think of any is a service that allows you to autopost to your social networks all at once. Social accounts such as Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Blogger.
How does Ping work? With, you add your various social accounts (there are 32 to choose from). Then on your dashboard, you create your message and Ping It! Within 60 seconds your content will be posted to all your accounts with just one click.
Pro: Very Easy to Use
Con: Need to Login to Website’s Dashboard to Use


Amplify is a newer social blogging service founded in 2009. In fact, I just started using this service myself. Amplify allows you “to clip, share and spark conversation around articles, blog posts or anything else you read on the web.”
To start using Amplify you just drag the Amplify it! button to your bookmark bar. Then when you visit a site you like, click on the Amplify link in your bookmark bar, and you are given the option to ‘clip’ portions of the article you like, share the link, write post about it or microblog about the article. Post-by-Email is an available option for blogging, too.
And you can easily autopost anything you Amplify to your Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Google Buzz or other accounts you may have.
Pro: easy to use and you can schedule posts.
Con: Amplify clips show up as blockquotes on your blogs.
Are you ready to add some free time to your schedule to focus on what is most valuable?


  1. This is quite interesting and very helpful information. This is always good when we get one platform and have access to all other links easily. Thanks for sharing.


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