Google Adsense and Analytics 1.8

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Enables Google Adsense and Analytics for the ELGG 1.8 network.
Full description:

Enables the admin to make their website Google Adsense and/or Analytics enabled.

For Google Adsense : Please visit

For Google Analytics : Please visit


1) Adsense for Footer, Header, Sidebar, Wire and Activity pages, Blogs and all other pages.

2) Just copy/paste the Adsense Publisher ID and Slot ID in the plugin. No need to play with coding.

3)The Adslots are optional. If you leave the inputs empty, Ads wont be displayed.

4) Integrates Google Analytics too.

If you wish to donate to my effort, please use for paypal payment.

Please let me know if you have suggestions or comments, so that I can improve the plugin for the next release. :)

1 comment

  1. Google to Retire Hosted Domains Product within AdSense... What you say???


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