Google's AdSense program. bookee

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I've been an Internet entrepreneur since 1995 and have launched, run and sold a number of successful websites and businesses...
  • I was the co-creator of what is now known as Yahoo! Games.
  • I created a #1 iPhone application.
  • I have written a NY Times Best-Seller and other best-selling books.
  • I speak internationally and domestically to Fortune 500 corporations
But for a long time I was most well known for generating thousands of dollars per week with Google's AdSense program.
It began in June 2003, I signed up with Google AdSense, and did what many others do.
I simply took the code from the AdSense site and pasted it onto my web site.
And then I did what many others undoubtedly do as well. I wondered why I wasn't making any money. 
It was incredibly frustrating.  I had the content and the traffic, but not the revenue.
I suspected that I was leaving money on the table, so I began meticulously testing my AdSense code placements, colors and sizes using completely legitimate means.

What I discovered changed my life.
From just $30 per day, I had 'Shot Up' To $500 PER DAY with just a few tiny changes the majority of AdSense users didn't even know about.
I looked at my first 5+ figure check of $11,823.65 and thought I must be dreaming! "There has got to be a mistake", I thought. "Google is going to call me up and ask for their check back."
But the call never came. Deep down, I knew it wouldn't.
Each time I logged into my AdSense account, my eyes nearly popped out of my head--the proof was right there in my AdSense stats!
My success continued and in 2005 I took all my knowledge and put it into an ebook...
AdSense Secrets - What Google Never Told You About Making Money With AdSense. 

Before long people started calling me "Dr. AdSense" and the testimonials flooded in.  Thousands of copies were sold at a price of $97.00.  There had never been a product that so rapidly increase the income of its customers.
Many of those customers doubled, tripled and even quadrupled their AdSense earnings overnight.
I began updating the content regularly and released new editions..
And now I've updated again with the latest strategies for 2011.
I've also created a member's area with bonus material to supplement the book.
Revenue from Google Adsense still deposits thousands of dollars into my bank account each WEEK...and it could be doing the same for you right now!
I could go on and tell you how AdSense Secrets has changed my life and others over the years, but why not just read some of the incredible testimonials that I still receive on a regular basis.

"Joel saved my business with a fraction of the insight found in this book."
- Chris Pirillo,
"Joel, I'm in a state of shock. After implementing your suggestions in a methodical manner, (complete with the daily journal), my daily revenue has exploded. This is a miracle. Thank you very much."
- Hugh Smith

"I hope people can see the value and opportunity that this package offers them. Any serious Google marketer would be crazy to pass up on this opportunity!  Thank you Joel!"
-Bernie Wiemers
"Holy @*%$ Joel!
This is by far the most complete "Instant Business" package I have ever seen. Every once in a while someone comes along with a product that makes me say "If only I'd had that when I was trying to get started!". This is one of those occasions. As with all of your products you have once again over-delivered. Keep the great stuff coming for all of us."

- Sam Knoll
"I've been using Joel's techniques and now I'm watching my clicks and earnings go to levels I never thought possible."
- Bob Rankin

"If you are ready to step into the Google big leagues, buy (before he realizes that it's WAY underpriced) and follow his advice. I did, and the results are amazing."
- Barbara J. Feldman,
"I was able to increase my Google income, practically overnight. And I haven't even applied it to my main site yet!"
- Randy Cassingham
"I really liked how you showed exactly what works and what does not work with ad sizes, colors, and placement on your websites."
- Jeremy Gislason
"I went through and revamped my ads on my sites using the techniques you talked about and the results are already showing. I've had more clickthroughs in the last few hours than I have had all week collectively."
- Daiv Russell
"I just knew that somewhere, someone was going to come out with a detailed instruction manual on how to do this right. Thanks A Million!"
- Scott Foster
"I've already installed several of your suggestions, and in a matter of hours my results jumped off the meter on one of my sites!"
- Van Day
"First, I was a tad skeptical, but I can honestly say your product definitely works. The last few days, based on tracking, has produced more clicks and results than the previous day."
- Thomas Vilfroy
"We're already seeing immediate increase in revenue utilizing just a few of Joel's techniques....well done!”
- Dr. Mike Woo-Ming
"You've definitely shown me what I need to do to start turning my virtual real-estate into a solid monthly revenue generator! THANK YOU!"
- Val
"I first learned about Joel at a seminar and found his seminar to be filled with exciting information and humor.  I love the way he teaches... just like how he speaks.  I then read his Adsense ebook and went on to purchase some more of his products.  I'm blown away at how well he explains everything in an easy to understand format that everyone can follow. 
I'm so excited that I had the chance to meet him personally and look forward to taking many more of his courses!  Thank you so much Joel for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us all!" 

- Nash Cajee
"I can tell you with a straight face that it is the best investment I've made this year."
- David 
"Joel has been an amazing mentor in my life, he truly knows how to ""DO GOOD STUFF"". His insights into marketing has helped me to become a better person and marketer.

Joel I just want to thank you for all you do for me and others. I have read all your books and bought many of your products and am amazed at the value you provide! Thanks for everything."

- Garrett Pierson"

"Hey Joel! I am forever grateful for all the things you shared with me over the years. Even when I experienced difficult times in my business, you were there to inspire me to press on. I'm honored to know you."

- Lonnie Robinson
"Thank you Joel. Especially for being a real person. So many so-called gurus are just out to make a buck. You are different. You seem to care more about your friends than your wallet.
"I purchased your book ""What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense." By following that info I was able to increase my CTR from .06% to over 2% almost overnight. 4 years later AdSense is one of my main income streams.
Best of all though is I still have my AdSense account. If it weren't for your advice I probably would have made a fatal mistake and lost it. Thanks"

- Tim
"What a great resource!"
- Tracie Johansen
"Thank-you for Adsense Secrets.  It made me a lot of money.  Thank-you for shaking my hand at the Affiliate Summit when we first met.  It helped me realize that gurus are real people too.  Thank-you for introducing me to other people.  It helped me realize connections are really important.  Thank-you for being you, a person I have been able to see and learn from in both business and in my personal life." 
- Jonathan Kraft

"If there's one word to describe Joel's books - it is the word "PERFECT". I have bought each and every single book you have written "Click Here To Order", "KaChing"", "Twitter Power" and also the softcopy of "Adsense Secrets " and I must say that I have learned A LOT from these books.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to you, as well as your team, for coming out so many great stuff!

- Jun Yuan Lim

"I've followed Joel's work over the past few months through his blog whilst I digest the masses of info from Guru Internet Marketers. Being a newbie the thing that strikes me the most is that I feel he really is genuine and he's a chap that you can trust ;-)!"
- Lyra Culverhouse

"I downloaded Adsense Secrets and have used just a few of Joel's suggestions and immediately had a large increase - over 300% - in Adsense dollars. And that is only for one Web site.  I highly recommend reading his books including KaChing and Twitter Power. Joel writes like he wants to help you. He has helped me and I can't wait to start trying out his other suggestions." 
- Mary Buck

"I own many of Joel's books, I use his Socrates theme on my WordPress blog and I read his daily newsletter. I may not have become rich, but Joel's continual upbeat messages have provided all the wealth I need in my mind."
- Mike Drips

"What I like about Joel is that he is straight forward and honest without the hype. That is very refreshing in the IM world for sure."

- Peter Brissette

"Thanks for all to great help over the years Joel. I have been following your training since the days of the Adsense book I ordered from you. It opened my eyes to the proper ways to use Adsense ads on my many websites. Thanks again for the many years of great products like the Classroom training, Kontera and many others."
- Richard Tidwell

"I followed Joel's work since Adsense Secrets when I was trying to increase my website earnings. His ebook was by far the easiest to understand, and helped me the most. But it wasn't until I sat down in a room with Joel, Dan Nickerson and Joel Ownby did I realize he and his company really "get it." I immediately bought the Elevate Seminar and continue to be impressed with the products and services he provides.  If you ever have a chance to see Joel live, or attend one of his seminars, I encourage and recommend it without question."

- Troy Rutter

"Joel, I've been following you since the Edmond days. You're one of the very few (and Dan Nickerson) that I pay special attention to because of your authenticity, honesty, and convictions. You will not sell out who you are for the best financial deal and I like that. Integrity is important to you and you've taught me just as much about what IM is not than maybe what it is. Keep writing!"

- Don Mundell
"Joel, One effortless change you suggest is undoubtedly lining the pockets of thousands of website owners many times over with higher Google click-through rates."
-Michael Nicholas
"Consider me a VERY satisfied customer."
- Gordy Seeley
"Thanks for sharing your knowledge in such a digestible format!"
- Ellen Ferlazzo
"I have spent the last few years reading your books and blog posts to be inspired and led in my current ventures on the Internet. Your information and training is far Superior from all the rest. I am always looking forward to any new ideas or programs you make available and I am looking forward to meeting you in person at one of your conferences soon. "

- Harry Delgado

"Over the years, Joel has always given me great value whenever I purchased from him.  He is a straight-shooter, providing great insights and advice, even when it may not be in his best interest to do so.  A rare gem and a great guy!"

- Randy Hansen

"Thank you Joel. After meeting you at a speaking event, and following your blogs, live video streams, and watching one program after another be created by you, I can't thank you enough for all you do for your followers.

There are many other internet marketers out there, but what sets you apart is that you're like the guy next door, and TRULY TRULY care about our success.

You've put so much information in front of us to help us succeed, it's up to us to make the commitment to follow your lead now, and become successful. Thank you and God Bless!"

- KC Colvin

"Joel Comm gives internet marketing a GOOD name! Not only does he consistently put out valuable books and products -he has integrity. He's not going to promote junk just because everybody else is doing it. 
The internet would be a safe place to buy if everyone was as honest and trustworthy as Joel Comm. "

- Kristi Sayles


AdSense Secrets Ebook

You'll receive the latest version of my best selling book of AdSense Secrets.  Revised and updated for 2011.

Bonus Videos

I've included bonus video content including tutorials on AdSense, Traffic, Hosting and more. 

Two Free Chapters

Download two free chapters each of my popular books Twitter Power and Click Here To Order

Bonus Reports

I've included bonus reports on Traffic and Search Engine Optimization for AdSense

Exclusive Videos

You'll receive hours of exclusive video from some of my most popular products!

And More!

I've also tossed in some unadvertised bonus content in the member's area.

In AdSense Secrets 5 You Will Discover....
  • How to Claim Your Share of The Multi-Billion Dollar AdSense Pie
  • Ways to Build An Adsense Ready Website Without a Domain or Hosting
  • Secrets to Tweaking and Optimizing your Ads for Maximum Revenue
  • How to use Google's Custom Search engine to Catch Fickle Visitors
  • Special Code to Influence Your Ads with Section Targeting and Keywords
  • How to Understand your AdSense Stats, Channels and Split Testing
  • That you can use Google Analytics to Optimize your AdSense Revenue
  • Smart Pricing and What it Means for your Income
  • Whether AdSense for RSS Feeds and Mobile are right for You
  • How to Generate Quality Long Term Traffic for Consistent AdSense Profits
  • Which Social Media Sites You Can Leverage Into AdSense Traffic
  • The Biggest Mistakes AdSense Publishers make and how to AVOID them.
  • What TO DO if your AdSense Account gets closed
  • What TO DO if you're not getting the results you want.
  • What TO DO BEFORE you apply to Google
  • The Wordpress Theme That Makes AdSense Optimization Easy

This is just a fraction of what you'll learn in AdSense Secrets 5 - What Google Never Told You About Making Money With AdSense.

There are Twenty Two Chapters and Two Hundred Ninety Three Pages!
Not to mention the hours of video content, bonuses and AdSense  in our member's area.
Previous editions of AdSense Secrets have sold for $97. Now you can get my biggest AdSense book EVER plus all the bonuses for a one-time low payment of just
$97 $47
There are no recurring fees, you'll receive lifetime access to our members area and it's all backed by a 60 Day Ironclad Money Back Guarantee.  If you're not satisified, just let us know and we'll refund your purchase within 60 days.


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