Hopefully you will find this site a little different. Although full of SEO Tips and Internet Marketing tips, it hopefully goes a little further than that. At its heart this is simply my blog about how to get on in this game, but also life in general. We are all people with lives, needs desires, and we battle daily to make our World as good as it possibly can be.
Here you will find my musings on life, Google, Internet Marketing, and the odd post about freaking out about bees.
That's life innnit?
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SEO Forum
The Private forum is now active: Don't miss out, sign up today!
We now have a private forum called the Pond. Read the copy linked to above and come get your feet wet. You honestly won't find anything else like it anywhere. We have private link networks, discounts on products etc. Plus you get free access to some of my books too ;) But mainly it is a community where you get all the the help you need to make a success of this game.
And here is the latest from the rather irregularly posted to blog:
Being Bloody Minded And Soaring Earnings To New Heights So, I know that things have been really rather quiet since the forum has opened. I guess that if I am being honest I love the chatty side of things when it comes to IM, and that has mostly moved to
Keyword Researcher Review If you want top rankings then there is one simple approach that I have been preaching for years. Get your keywords in your post title and then write a comprehensive piece of copy that fully covers your topic. And fill that piece of content with related longtail…
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