Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SEO can be difficult and confusing. There are no shortcuts to professional Internet marketing and search engine optimization. You must invest time and have long-term patience and commitment to be successful.
This e-book on Internet marketing and search engine optimization is currently free. HTP Company has been working on search engine optimization and Internet marketing since 1996. Many changes have occurred over this time period; we are not focused on past history in this book. We are totally devoted to what works today and will update this book on a regular basis. Search engine optimization (SEO) and training is a topic that is well suited for an e-book because of all the constant changes. 

Search Engine Optimization  TrafficThe bottom line is that search engines need to list good sites at the top of their search results. Search engines are constantly finding more ingenious ways of doing just that. If you find ways of delivering real value to your web site visitors, then the search engines will find ways to rank your site at the top of their results. Right? 

Mostly Right? What do I mean? So you need to think like a search engine and deliver value. Please see below for details. 

We have thousands of top rankings for our clients. Please phone us at 877-247-1272 and we can give as many examples as you would like. 

Here are just a few samples of thousands. Please click on the links below and see what company is in the top 3 out of over 115,000,000+ results. Samples below are provided to prove we know what we are talking about. Why would any one listen and follow the advise of an SEO expert consultant that offers no proof of results? Theory is fine and very interesting to study, however most people want to learn how to achieve top search engine optimization results in a hands on practical way. 

Google now has 75% of the search industry market share, so out of 100 Internet searches about 75 of them go though Google. Basically we think Yahoo is dropping market share to Google monthly, and Bing has flat to low growth. Google remains the big winner in the search engine industry and continues to take away market share from Yahoo. 


Background for SEO Training 

Obtaining top rankings in the search engines has spawned an entire sub-industry niche of search engine optimization (SEO) and Internet marketing. We are discussing natural or organic rankings in this tutorial mainly. We recommend investments of time and money for both Pay Per Click (PPC) and natural / organic rankings. In general, PPC is less powerful as far as credibility with web surfers, however PPC is a much larger part of the over all market. This is due in large part to the fact that PPC listings can be up and running in just a few minutes, where as organic rankings may take years to obtain and have no guarantee of lasting. 

Allow us to briefly outline some of the factors involved in the process of natural or organic search engine optimization (SEO). 

Search Engine Volatility 

The top rankings on any of the major search engines can change at any time. Just because a site gains top rankings in various search engine properties today does not mean you can count on those same rankings next month, or next week for that matter. However, we have been very fortunate to maintain our top rankings for our clients for the last several years, this requires constant work and effort. Rankings rise and fall depending on many external events including text links that point to your web site. Every search property adjusts its algorithms, adds new websites to its index, or otherwise changes the way in which it scores and displays search results. Google scoring algorithms are based on over 200 factors, currently Bing rankings will change more quickly than Google rankings. So Bing, which has a much smaller market share compared to Google, offers quicker feedback showing if your natural SEO efforts are working. To ensure your site's continued visibility, and to keepyour company's name, products and services in view of your most highly qualified prospects, your professional services firm must respond to all of the varying factors and address each change. Your SEO Specialists must respond to all these changes, as well as changes within your specific industry, to your competitor's sites, and to any changes in your website content and brand messaging. 

What Makes a Successful Internet Marketing Campaign? 

Like any good marketing program, an SEO, Internet marketing and advertising campaign requires customization, analysis, training, strategy and measurement. Search engine marketing is a complex process that requires multi-faceted skills including: linguistics, a top-notch web technology team, experienced HTML and CSS specialists, training staff, professional campaign strategists, link building strategies, smart software developers, a highly-detailed measurement and visitor tracking system, conversion analysis as well as thoughtful and responsive client account management. 

Marketing and Technology 

To be successful in implementing best practice natural search engine optimization methods we need to analyze the types of prospects who find your site, the different ways they use language to find your site, the relative quality and quantity of those prospects, their conversion rates, and how many of them become customers. All of this analysis is required to ensure that you use your website as a tool to maximize marketing dollars and profits for your business. 

We have built our search engine marketing process around sound, proprietary principles that have been validated in practice for over ten years. We ensure that our process is both initially effective and continues to evolve to meet the changing needs of your web site(s) over time, reflecting changes in your site and the major search engines scoring / ranking algorithms. We also ensure that your search engine marketing campaign will meet your marketing and advertising promotion goals. To be successful with SEO you need understand your business and your competitors business in detail. And as marketing and technology professionals ourselves, we commit that our methods described below will enable qualified prospects and customers to find your website. 

The Search Engine Optimization Process 

Our methods include, however are not limited to the following steps:
  • Keyword Research - Searching through a database of actually-used keyword phrases that are relevant to your business, and determining the best phrases to use to optimize your site.
  • Professional copywriting as necessary. This can be a big job depending on how large the web site is.
  • Optimizing tags, titles and other parts of the HTML code as necessary. Including controlling meta tags which control what the search engines say in their description about your web site.
  • Editing the copy to ensure proper usage of the most searched-upon keyword phrases relevant to your site.
  • Google approved white hat link building strategies.
  • Submitting optimized page URLs to the major search engines. This is limited today because the major search engines find your site from links pointing to you.
  • Monitoring the search engines bi-monthly to ensure that your URL becomes indexed, and tracking your traffic and keyword referrals using web based metrics.
  • Providing monthly reports showing where your site is ranking and under which keyword phases.
  • Strategies for paid advertisements, and building reference networks, text link ads, banner ads, pay per clickadvertisements to help increase your backlinks and traffic. This can be extremely important and very complex in using the best practices. We consider some of our methods proprietary.
  • SEO Training for your staff as required.
  • Traffic conversion. Do visitors to your web site purchase your products and services? Why or why not?
  • Is your site user friendly? Can visitors to your site find your email, phone number and the information they want? How many pages do they read before they leave your site? What is their click path? etc.
Proposal elements 

We recognize from experience that there are many variables in the overall process and that every company and their identified markets are different. Often the extent of the work involved is not known until well into the process. For Business X-Ray Data, Inc., we have outlined the following basic steps:
Hours = Per Year
1. Keyword Research - Using proprietary HTP software tools and methodologies, conduct research and select appropriate keywords. This involves a detailed analysis of hundreds or thousands of options including an assessment of your competitor’s keywords. This is especially important for your Home Page. We can only optimize for a limited number of keywords per web page and it is important to remember that if you “Target the wrong keywords then all your efforts will be in vain”. Involvement with and concurrence by the staff at Your Company is part of this process. If it is a large web site and or multiple web sites more time would be necessary. 

Estimate 30-40 hours 

2. Current web site – Home Page 

Replace the Java script with HTML including development and approval by BDI of new text. Optimize the Title and Header tags 

Estimate 20 hours 

3. Site map & other web pages - Complete the site map and edit as necessary the remaining web pages. 

Estimate 50+ hours 

4. The Marketing Message - Consult with BDI to ensure that the text and keywords are consistent with the marketing message that BDI wishes to convey. Provide professional copywriting as necessary. 

Estimate 10- 20 hours 

5. Tracking - Add Webmaster tracking software to every page using HTP proprietary code 

Estimate 30 hours 

6. Linking methodology - Work on the linking structure using HTP Linking methodologies and tools to optimize for greatest page ranking. This includes SEO training for your staff. 

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