SEO Tutorial

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SEO Google Tutorial - How To Get Traffic.

I'm often asked, I need an SEO tutorial, can you help me? This site itself is an excellent example of an SEO tutorial or a teach yourself SEO for free 'How-to'. Notice how I get the phrase SEO Tutorial in early there, many say it's important to have your key phrase near the beginning of a document. It's regarded as an important item in SEO. At time of writing this site's at no. 1 in Google for

SEO testimonials


SEO benefits

despite my having (at time of writing) very few inbound links (IBLs) using anything much SEO related in the anchor texts, so the rankings are largely down to the text on a page. There's the occasional client, of course, and a handful of directories, but paying for links, as seems to be the contemporary fashion, all too often promotes sites on the strength of their budget as opposed to any illustration of SEO ability.
So, this SEO tutorial site is all-natural - no additives, no artificial ingredients, not made from concentrate, gluten-free, its words were allowed to roam free in the syntax, treated to special showings of "Born Free" eight times a week (matiné Saturdays) and were then painlessly despatched to the page. But to return to our subject, SEO can be divided into two factors, on-page optimisation and links.

A little advert here now for those of you who might have trouble creating your own content, it's for;
Ultimate Content Creator. The Software Used By Professionals To Dominate Google Is Now Available To The Public. Builds Sites In Under 5 Minutes The Way Google Wants Them Built Click Here!
It's well worth checking out and you already know you'll need content from somewhere for that top-ranking site of yours... here's that link again; Click Here! 

SEO Tutorial - Content.

The site is built to a tried and tested but (most of all) well-researched SEO template.
All the pages on the site are about search engine optimisation and related subjects like how search engines work are taken into account. I find subjects not only off the top of my head, from whence after a while lamentably they cease to spring, but from research in Wordtracker . Really, any related term will do. Just build a page around it using the template and fill it with appropriate text content. Arguably you could fill it with word salad and just the occasional mention of the key phrase but someone's gonna getcha (sucka!) for that sooner or later so why not research your subject properly and do it for real? It's no more effort and it will bring you a great deal more benefit. You can generally find the subject of pages by following links.

You might like to try this too;
Xtreme Rankings. Newly Released SEO Program Is Exploding! Video Proof As Well As Testimonials Click Here! 

SEO Tutorial - Structure.

Just about every template I've seen for web pages start with a graphic at the top. I grant this looks great to human eyes but before the site will ever be seen by those eyes it has to be assessed and categorised by a search engine and the engines can't see pictures to determine any relevance. Because the facility has been so abused in the past, in general the engines ignore any text in the alt attribute of a graphic unless that graphic is a link. It makes sense then, if you absolutely must have such a graphic in such a place, to make it link back to your home page and include a relevant keyword in the alt text.
But I'd really rather it weren't there at all.

If you're looking for software you can build an affiliate site with from the ground up, look no further;
XSitePro 2 - Total Site Management. The Hugely Successful XSitePro 2 - Professional Web Site Design Made Easy With This Category-beating New Release... Build Quality Sites Featuring Audio, Video, Rss, Xml, Mobile Web, Search, Name-grab, Adsense, Amazon-Ads, And Lots More Click Here!
If you've come from a corporate background and you're already used to using Dreamweaver or Frontpage, and you're thinking of using them to launch your affiliate career with... my advice; think again. This unique program is purpose-built to help you purpose-build. You'll see when you try it. Here's that link again Click Here! 

SEO Tutorial - Code Structure.

Tables and their layout are another common problem. Having the main content in the body of the page and the links menu to the left is common practice and looks perfectly acceptable. As practiced though this layout has the inherent problem of presenting the links to the engines first and the important text content of the page second. This means that the text content of the page will assume a secondary importance in the eyes of the engines. The effects of this can be mitigated by using related keywords and phrases plentifully in the links themselves, however a better way is to realign the table internally so that the text content is presented to the engines before the links.

SEO Tutorial - Anchor text of Links & Getting A .

The anchor text of inbound links is generally regarded as being very important to the success of your site. You'll notice that this site now has a handful of links saying SEO Tutorial and SEO Video Tutorial in the anchor text of links from other sites. Having the right keywords on a page helps and I did very well with on-page optimisation but to crack the top ten for the term SEO Tutorial I'm having to get some links from blog comments. Some people say that links from .edu and .gov sites carry more weight with the major search engines than they do from, say, any normal business and domain name. It may have been true once - and it certainly won't hurt to have them - but I don't think that's true these days. A recent Google cache date on the linking page can be seens as important. Having the linking page found in social bookmarking sites can have a good effect on your Google rankings too - clue; set up an account or two with the social sites and register the pages that link to you with them. That way Google will be regularly spidering them and the links will stay fresh.

SEO Tutorial Software

There's a few floating around these days but for my money the best two are probably good old Internet Business Promoter (IBP)  and WEBCEO . Anyone interested inSEO tutorial software should check both of them out, they're well worth the money. I use both regularly myself.

SEO Tutorial Related Terms/Phrases

Google itself lists these searches as being related to the phrases SEO TUTORIAL;
Searches related to seo tutorial 
seo tutorial video
seo tutorial 1.4 download
seo tutorial software
search engine optimization seo
seo optimization tutorial
inbound links seo
seo keyword density
seo anchor text
(Oddly it misses out search engine optimization tutorial - but maybe that's because we're in the UK here). You can see this at the footer of the SERPS (Search Engine Results PageS) if you Google for the phrase - here's a link to a Google search for SEO TUTORIAL Google Search for SEO TUTORIAL . You might assume from this, then, that Google would expect to see these terms used in the context - I'll say that again, IN THE CONTEXT - of any page claiming to be on the subject of an SEO optimization tutorial. I say in the context because I'm of the opinion that simply listing them the way I do above won't count; Google aren't that dumb! You'll need to find ways to fit phrases, in this case relevant phrases like SEO keyword density and SEO anchor text, into the flow of the material on the page. It's got to look natural and the best way to do that is learn your subject and write what you know - then it is natural. So much of this, it isn't rocket science, it's really quite simple - but it is hard slog sometimes.

SEO Tutorial Video

We're in the information age now and like everything else there's now SEO video tutorials avalable. Here's a sample from SEO Help Videos . I've had a look at these and they look good to me, the whole package seems well thought out.
Fancy giving them a shot? Click Here! 

SEO Tutorial - from Google!

Hey - tell you what... oddly enough Google have released an SEO Tutorial  that gives you the basics according to them; why not download their SEO Tutorial PDF ? It isn't exactly SEO tutorial software but it will be useful in its way.

The Search Engines Themselves

Do you need to know things like the history of search engines? I don't think so, not now, not really. Can't remember Hilltop? Never heard of (shudder) the Florida Update? You'll sleep sounder for not knowing. Just get your head around some common search engine principles and you'll be alright. If you want more information on searchengines a good newsletter to subscribe to is Pandia's . They're very knowledgeable. It's once a week and you'll get a good overview of everything important that's happened in search that week without being drowned in far far too much information.

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