Blue Hat Technique #21 - Advanced Mininet Building

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I promised awhile back that I’d teach you ugly bitches more ways to build your sexy SEO Empire. With some spare time this week I might as well take some time to help your nasty hooker ass do just that. YES I will insult you through this entire post because judging from the recent comments you donkey fuckers are getting a lil too big for your own britches and need to be brought down a peg. I’m kidding of course. You guys are great. I just feel like filling this post full of as many reasons not to read it as possible and since no one gave me an excuse to do it, I just made one up. :) This post will be advanced and since this technique’s ability to be bulletproof feeds off creativity and the subtleties of being selfmade I’ll also only give out pseudo code instead of code samples. It is however an extremely efficient way to build large amounts of unique and self-promoting sites and is more than reusable for just about any chunk of niches so modularize your code and save it for future scaling. Trust me you’ll wish you did.
Getting Started With Your Custom Mininet Generator
It’s always easiest to start a project with an example in mind so begin by picking a generalized niche that can involve a lot of different sites along the same theme. For this example I’ll use music based fan sites. So I’ll grab a few starter domains to test with such as and maybe one more for good measure, <- See how I was all insulting and mean at the beginning of this post and suddenly changed it around to being all considerate and using faggy bands as examples so you fags can relate to what I’m saying here. I’m not mean all the time and can in fact be quite understanding. *grin* Anyways! Now that you got your domains setup an account under a single domain on your server and add the rest as addon domains. In your site’s root make a Sources folder and another to hold a data dump. After that setup a MYSQL database to be used by all sites and put a row in a table for a single domain you bought (the rest will be inserted automatically later). I recommend you put the actual domain in some value in that row.

Build a Single Universal Template
This is easier than it sounds. You can always go 100% custom but to save time I like grabbing a generic looking premade template. I then put it into a script and disect the html to put in as many variables as I can fit. A few examples would be $sitetitle - $pagetitle


which I will later fill with the actual content and variable values. Pack the template full of as many customizations as you can so it will not only be flexible and universal among all topics in the niche but the html itself is very random and as uncookie cutter like as you can get it. Torwards the end of the process I also tend to throw in a bunch of $randspacing type variables as possible. Then i use a randomizing function to create various spacing and line returns and randomly insert it throughout just about every group of html tags. I mention this now instead of later in the post because its important to realize that you will want this template to be as flexable as possible because you’ll eventually be using that same template on a TON of sites that may or may not be doing some interlinking so you don’t want it to appear as a network. Changing colors, widths, and images around are a great way to accomplish this just don’t get too complicated with it starting out. Keep it very basic and once you got the mininet nearly done you can add as many as you’d like later. Sometimes it’s typical to throw yourself off focus and doom the project by getting too hung up on getting the same thing perfect. For each variable you place in the template you’ll want to put the same as a field in the SQL table you created previously.

Putting Together Some Content Sources
For an example such as the music fan sites mininet I’d probably jot down a few sources of content such as Audioscrobbler for the band descriptions, primary image, and discography. Then Youtube API for a few music videos for each musician. Another great source would be Yahoo Images for some band related wallpapers and Alexa for some related sites to link to. I might even grab the Google Blogsearch rss for some recent blog posts related to that artist. Starting out it’s usually best to keep your sources as simplistic as possible and not stray too far from readily available RSS and APIs. Like I said you can always get more advanced and custom later. Create a module script for each source and put it in your previously created Sources folder. Then for each source you came up with add it as a table in your SQL and put in all the fields you’ll need for each one and remember to save room to identify the domain on each one.

Building The Generator
Create a backend script that will simply be a place to copy and paste a list of the domains and their primary keywords into with a button to submit it. My domains and keywords for this example would most likely be pipe delimited such as:|God Smack|U2|Beyonce Knowles
Once the list is submitted the generator needs to insert a new row into the table and create all the randomized variables for the site such as the background colors , various spacings (and/or a brand new template file stored in the data folder) putting them in the same single row. Once the basics are done it can call all the source modules and run them using the domain name and the keywords they need to grab the right content. They will then need to put that content into the database under the proper domain’s row(s). You now have all the content you need for each site and each got its own template! Now it’s time to just build the son of a bitch.

BUT! Before I show you how I’ll give you a few examples of how I would setup my tables for each of the sources so you can get a better idea.
For my Youtube I’d probably keep it simple and just do the domain and the embed code.





*the MySite1 would be another random fan site in your list of domains. The MoneySite1 would be a money site of yours you can insert later to help with upward linking ;) These are foundation sites after all.
So simple even a retarded piss bucket like yourself can figure it out :)
Scripting The Sites
I know some of you are going to talk about dedicated IPs for each site and various other expensive ways to make sure the sites don’t get associated with each other but there was a good reason I said to use addon domains although there are other more complicated and better solutions. The first thing you should do when scripting the index page is to grab the current domain using an environmental variable such as HTTP_HOST. Once you have the domain name you can use that to grab all the appropriate data for each domain name and you only have to code one site and get it to work for ALL the sites in the mininet. For instance if someone goes to it’ll grab that into the variable and customize the entire site to be a Jay-Z fan site even though its all the same script controlling all the addon domains. I always start with the main page and branch all my subpages off that. For instance for the I would put in a section for Jay-Z Music Videos and link to More Jay-Z Music Videos(the Jay-Z being that domains primary keyword as specified in the DB). That Jay-Z Music Videos subpage would just be more previously scraped music videos from youtube. The same would be done for the Jay-Z Wallpapers, Jay-Z Discography, Jay-Z Lyrics, Jay-Z Guitar Tabs..Whatever sources I’m using. Each would be a small section on the main page and would expand into their own subpage which would target popular keywords for that artist. Once all that is done and built into the template you can test each change among all the current test domains you have to make sure each shows up nicely and the randomizations and backgrounds all are static and neat for each site. Be sure to put in a place for your Alexa similar sites and as shown above mix in links to your other fan sites for each band/musician as well as some placements for your current and future money sites so they can all get good link volume. Once every test site looks pretty and is fully functional along with fairly unique content all you have to do is scale up with more domains.

BUT FIRST! I like to incorporate ways for each site to self build links. Such as for the Google Blogsearch posts I’d put a section on the main page for Jay-Z News listing the most recent 25 blog post results or so. Then I would build a small cronjob script to update it every day with 25 new posts or so and do a pingback on each to score a few unique links from other related sites every day automatically. This way you not only have lateral links from other sites on the mininet but links from other sites and the links are always growing slowly so each site can continue to grow in rank and traffic over time.
Buying More Domains and Scaling Up
As indicated I like to keep it simple and pick a prefix or suffix that has many open domains that way I don’t have to spend a ton of time picking out the domains I can just grab a list of several thousand popular bands and mass buy the domains then copy and paste them into the backend generator. Boom! Several hundred to, if you’re bold enough, thousands of new sites. All of which will grab quite a bit of underexposed traffic from keywords, image search and links. It will also give you tons of links and awesome pagerank for future sites you build. It’s a lot of work initially but it’s definitely easier then hand building all those sites yourself and the sites can easily become just as successful as if you did, especially if you did a good job with your sources. Once you’ve scaled up that mininet to a level you’re comfortable with and can maintain financially (it helps to build in a montenization module to the site so you can easily switch out ads among all the sites so they can create the most money possible per site) you can switch to a new group of sites using the same code, many of the same sources, and same method. The music fan site example is great because nearly the exact same code can be used in so many ways. For instance I can take the same damn code, get rid of the audioscrobbler and swap it for a widely available car DB for the description, image and car specs, and build a whole mininet for every single make and model car out there with a whole new set of domains such as,, It’s as easy as swapping out the keywords used in the modules so they become Pontiac Grand Prix Videos (from youtube source) and Pontiac Grand Prix Wallpapers/Images. All you need is a new template and a new group of domains to build an absolutely massive and diverse mininet that is actually profitable and self growing.

PS. I know I said HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of sites all dramatically, but as with all techniques start off small. Get your scripts and promotion right. Make sure it works and is profitable on a per site basis before scaling up to any ridiculous levels.

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