Chapter 1 : What Is SEO & How It Can Be Benefitial For Me ?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

SEO  stands for  ” Search Engine Optimization “. SEO  refers to  bring  your website on first page of Google  for a searched word ..
Let me explain you properly .
Suppose  you and me both are having their own websites on “Photography” and when “Photography” this word is searched in Google , my website comes at first page and your website comes at 10th page.
In this case i will get a huge amount of traffic on my website and you will not .
So for bringing our website on first page of Google , we do SEO  of  our website i.e. Search Engine Optimization .
How SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Is Beneficial For Me?
Yes it is the natural question , if my website comes on first page of google , then what are the benefits!
Let me explain .
Simply go to , you can see a lot of blinking banners there . These all  are ads ( advertisement ) .
When you click on any ad of these , the site owner is paid for that click .
Let me tell you some figures:                  AVEARAGE EARNING of a day is     $ 2400000 per day AVEARAGE EARNING of a day is     more than of
My                               AVEARAGE  EARNING of a day is    $ 20 THOUSAND per day.
Yup :-)   All above written data are true and if you follow me  then you can also make a lot of money.
Definetly NO DOUBT .
Here i will teach you complete SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization Step By Step .
  1. So let us move 

Chapter 2
Before of doing anything  you should know ,How can you use internet in a faster and better way .
I will tell you some tricks and facts for a better & faster working on internet .
Now some good  things about internet:
P.S.          Please don’t laugh , because i am starting from 100% ground .
Tip 1 –> If you want to get information about anything then simply open “”
and search and many results will appear . click on any of the link appeared there and you will get some information about that thing .
Tip2–>What is Signing up and login and register ?—>
some websites need to sign up on them , sign up is simply creating an account on them , so that you can use there services , first we “register/sign up/create an account” on a website and we give some user name and password and then using that user name and password , we can use that site services for forever .
I know , all of you know above 2 tips already .. now let me tell you some things , you don’t know probably .
Tip3—> When you “sign up/register/create a account” on a website , you will see ,they are asking many details like address and blah blah blah , but you will also see some points , on whom there would be a star “*” … these details are necessary to fill up and other details on which there is no * , you can skip giving detail there . this thing is very useful because it saves a lot of time while signing up on a website .
Example–>go to “” and sign up , you will see , there are some details , on which “optional” is written or a star * is not ..
these details are not necessary to fill up .
Tip 4–> I know , registering on a website take a lot of time , therefore you should use “roboform” software .. this is a free software , it simply remember all your login and passwords and also can be used for “filling sign up forms ” with a single click .. simply go to “” and download it and install it ..
after installing , it will appear in your browser like a toolbar.. there you will see an option written “setup a form” click on that and give all details and you are done ..
after of now , whenever you need to fill a form , just click on that roboform button and the form will be filled in a single shot .
you must and must use this because it saves a lot of time .
Tip 4—>
Want to write anything in any other language and then to change all this in any other language ?
simple . go to “ ” and search for ” google translator”
now go to any result and there enter your whole text and then you can convert it in any other language ..
Tip 5—>
Sites you must and must use–>
email services –> ,
social networking sites —> , ,
chatting services–>yahoo massenger ..
i know you know these already , if not then ask your friends ..
Tip 6–>
if you want to use any software without paying any money then simply email me that software name at and i will give you that software for totally free . a huge donation to me will be most welcomed :D
tip 7—>
Ehhh , lot of things , i feel like you are being bored as you know such kinda stuffs already , if you dont know then learn internet basics first from your friend and if any thing you want to know from me , then simply email me ..
and now i will teach you how to create a blog , if you already own a blog or site,then simply jump on next chapter and if  you not aware,how to create a blog,then keep reading .
Creating a blog -
Why creating a blog–>
First of all , let me explain you , why we need to create a blog first. actually if you want to do seo i.e. search engine optimization then you need a website or a blog
because if you don’t have a website or a blog then how will you optimize it ?
that’s why we need to create a blog first .
in case , you already have a website or a blog , then you can directly jump on next chapter.
What is a blog?–>
Firstly , launched there free services for blogging .
This blogging concept came only for they people , who does not have any web designing or web development knowledge but want to say something to the world.
In short , blogging concept came for noobs who does not have any programming skills ..
and because blogging is easy , it got pretty famous .
Main free blogging services are -
and a paid blogging services is –
and some more ..
Now , you will ask me , on which site to create a blog ? ok , let me tell you .
You can use or , there are many more blogging services also available on net .
wordpress gives you more functions and powers than blogspot .therefore go with .
Creating Your First Blog ->
go to
and register there first ,
while registering it will ask for your “site domain” name …
site domain is the “url” , your users will write in there address bar , for opening your website…
therefore give any good name there and complete all steps of signing up .
Now your password will come to your email id ..
using that login on
now go to “dashborad”
and now you are watching control panel of your website .
Control panel , means from here you can handle your blog .you can create new posts and can put ads and can do everything with your blog .
Writing New posts to your new Blog —>
In your control panel look at most left hand side bar and you can see
“posts” written there , click on that and then click on “add new”
for writing your first post of your blog .
A post refers to an article .suppose that you , want to create your blog on “poetry”
then there
give “heading ” of your article and in the big box
write all text of your article .
and click on “publish” button now and your first article on your first blog has come :)
for viewing your blog , type “domain name ” of your site in your address bar , even after writing your post , a option appears “view post”
you can click on “view post” option to see, your newly created post .
DO you remember? that you had chosen a “site domain” name for your blog.
whenever you want to see , your blog , you should type your domain name in your address bar of your mozila firefox or in internet explorer.
You can also copy and paste stuffs from anywhere on internet :D but this is not good :)
Now you can repeat ” this new post” thing again and again and can write many articles/posts but a very important thing is missing .
that is to
“creating categories”
yes , this thing is very imp.
look at any website of this world , or just look at this website , in header , you can see some different links , threw them one can browse various folders and same you should also have on your blog , for doing this , you should use the “categories” function while writing your any post.
while writing any post , give a category .
Changing Look Of your blog –>
if you want to change look of your blog , simply look at most left hand side of your control panel and there
in appearance>themes
you can watch many designs , just click on any design , you want your blog , to look like and your blog look is changed now …
This is how you can create your first blog .
firstly make at least 10 posts on your blog with proper categories .
This chapter may be a little bit difficult for anyone , therefore email me or ask your problems on forum .Other members will help you for sure .
Now we will move  towards next chapter now.
You should
Go to Chapter 3
Keyword Research is the most important part of your whole SEO .
If you have choosen a wrong keyword , then LOSS
Right keyword = profit .
Let me explain you , why it is very important to pick a keyword .
Suppose that you sell “car” on your website and you have decided to come on page 1 of search engines for a keyword
“buy cheap car”
Suppose that this keyword is very difficult to rank and it has low searches , what in this condition ?
Definetaly you are making loss , because there are possibilities ,any other keyword is having more searches and less competition .
So here i am going to tell you , how to do keyword research in a nice way .
Go here – adword keyword tool
Its a free keyword research tool by Google .
You can see a box there , enter any keyword and now search .
Now you can see many things ..
Here are few things , we are going to discuss .
[1] Make sure you are doing exact type of searches -
Search any keyword in that big box on the link , i gave you .
Now look in left hand side there , you will see written  “broad” , “exact” , “phrase”
You should do “Exact” type of searches always .
Actually exact type tells you that how many times the keyword is being searched exactly and broad and phrase tells you count of “keyword ++”
example. if u search for “car” in broad then the search count is of “Car” + “buy car” + “sell car” and all other keywords that contain “Car”
weather if u search “Car” in exact , then it is the count of “car” this keyword only .
You should always search in “exact”  type of searches .
[2]Choose your country -
Look at the keyword box , just below of that you can see writeen ” advanced options”
you can change country from there ,after searching any keyword , you can see its global monthly searches and local monthly searches .
Global monthly searches – are the count of your keyword searches in whole world .
and Local monthly searches – are the count of your keyword searches in that particular country only .
If you dont know , then please always have this in your mind that traffic of US is considered as the best traffic of this world .
[3]Finding competition of a keyword -
Dont look that that competition bar . that is crap .
Tell me one thing , can you fight with 1000 aunts ? definitely you can . But can you fight with a mad elephant ?
Definitely NO :D
Google competition bar is wired , it does not give accurate data .
Suppose that you searched any keyword and you liked searches of that keyword .
Now you should go to google and should check that keyword in ” ” quotes
Means , if you liked –> love tarot reading <—- this keyword
then you should check this keyword in google like this –> “love tarot reading”
Now check no. of results , if no. of results are in 7 digits or more , then you should not work on this keyword , weather if
it is having no. of results in “6″ digits or even less , then you can go for this keyword .
You should also check your keyword in google like this –> allintitle:keyword
means like this –> allintitle:love tarot reading
again if no. of searches are in 6 digits or lesser than 6 digits , only then go for the keyword otherwise leave it .
[4]Never pick a single word keyword –

You should never pick a keyword that is of 1 word only . Actually 1 word keywords have very very much competition and they should always be avoided , Try to find a keyword of atleast 2 words or 3 words . The longer , the better .

I know , some of you want to ask me , that how much searches makes a keyword “OK” to start the work .
Look here are some gloden points for picking a keyword .
[1] Pick a keyword only , if it is having 2000 local monthly searches OR 8000 local monthly searches atleast .
please watch carefully that i have wrote “OR” in above line not “AND”
[2]Pick a keyword only , if it has no. of results in 6 digits or lesser , while search with “” <— quotes and allintitle <–
[3]Pick a keyword only , if it suit to your website content .
[4] NEVER AND NEVER PICK A “SINGLE LETTER” keyword .Try to find a keyword having atleast 3 words in it .

That was all about keyword research .
But wait , it does not mean you are king in keyword research now .
You can read thousand of books on keyword research available on net and the more you will study the more you will be confused .
Above told way is not the 100 % right way to find a keyword .
You have not calculated the competition in exact way .
Do you know , top 10 results are mad elephant or small aunts ? [ remember my aunt and elephant example? , read this tutorial again]
You must know , if you can break top 10 or not .
If you are not in top 10 then you will never make any money , its my personal guarantee to you .
You must use a paid keyword tool for this .
There is no site on this world that tell you the power of top 10 results weather they only should be your wish .
You should use a paid keyword tool to do the keyword research in a nice way .
There are many keywords on this earth that are easy and that will give you awesome money , Adword tool fails most of the times and when talked about measuring competition  – NO free tool or website can tell you this .
You can use “micro niche finder” software for this purpose .
It tells you exactly , what top 10 results are doing , it also help you in finding keywords that are very easy to break in .
I have seen many people starting there web business without looking at strength of the keyword , they are going to target .
They rank there website in top 50 somehow, some of they rank in top 20 somehow but letter , after wasting a lot of time and money , what they understand that “There keyword was wrong to target”
Do you know how many old top 10 websites are ? do u know how many backlinks they have ? do you know what PR they have ? do u know if they working for your keyword or not ? do you know any of them is as difficult as fighting with a mad elephant or not ?
You can fight with your neighbour , but with president ? You should never

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