optimize a single blog post for SEO

Saturday, February 25, 2012

This is Guest post from a Contributor About SEO, I am Irfan gul from Pakistani IT blog. I am blogging since 2008 on different blogs. I am running a IT blog www.impaki.net for my country Pakistan, Sharing useful content there.

First of all I want to define the term “SEO”, what is SEO? Well, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which refers to optimize (prepare well) your application i.e. website or blog for search engines, to make your application compatible with search engines.
To make your blog post SEO post, you have to optimize the important parts of your blog post. From an experts point of view we can break a blog post in 6 parts.
The Title and keyword section.
Description or first paragraph of post.
Post body and writings skills.
Label or tags.
The URL and post address.
The Backlinks and hierarchy.

These are major parts of a blog post in all blogging platforms such as blogger or WordPress etc.
1. The Title and keyword section of blog post.

The title is an important part of your blog post, it’s just like a face, which a searcher and search engine look first. The title of your blog post should contain keywords of post body. The keyword should be dense and content related. You should use a single keyword at least two times in your title. You can research for dense title keywords with the help of several tools like Google Adword External keyword tool.
2. Description and first paragraph of blog post.

The description is the second important part of post. Because it is also indexed in search engine queries. You should give every post a unique description tag, but it’s too time consuming and difficult task. The easiest way of writing description, write it in first paragraph of post. If you write keywords in post first paragraph, it will work like description tags for you post. Again keywords should be well researched, dense and content related. You should try to use vast keywords in blog posts.
3. Post body and writing skills.

To make a post SEO post you have to write the post with SEO tricks in your mind. If you write entire post grammatically well and use keywords at least 5 to 10 times in each article, so your doing great a job. Be natural in this part.
4. Label or tags.

Labels are also important part. If you want to make your post SEO compatible, So give it the right label or tags for example if you write a post on “Tips about swimming” so you can give it label like “quick swimming tips”.
5. The URL and post address.

For SEO, URL address is a point gaining part. In simple words the URL (post address) must also contain the keywords in it. If your using blogger or WordPress so don’t worry about this part, because these two and many more CMS have an automatic function, which turns your post title in URL address, so don’t worry about URL and try to write a better title.
6. The Backlinks and hierarchy.

The Backlinks are Backbone of blog post. If you do all the things described above well in you post but forget about backlinks you can make your post SEO post but, you have to wait for some months to let search engines to find your post and even though it won’t work well. So, if you want to see the results of your hard work faster then do conscious about backlinks.

The discussion is not ended here, there are a lot of methods, tips and tricks to make your post an SEO post but I don’t want to write too longer post. If you want to share your method or if I forgot some thing important or have any question about this topic, please feel free to inform me with comments.


  1. This article is so awesome, It give a lot of information.

  2. Good blog.. Thanks for sharing such an informative post..

  3. usually, blog optimization I am on the exact page of hitting the rankings for certain keywords. Specially on general blog.


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