Valuable core principles for online business

Friday, February 17, 2012

The first principle is competitive research. It is no surprise that most people realize the internet is now the greatest research tool that’s ever been invented. We can use it to look at any marketer industry and find out who’s selling what, how much they are selling things for, how they are selling things as far as what marketing strategy they use, how much traffic a site gets, where the traffic comes from, who they are partnering with etc and so on. It is incredibly valuable.
The second principle is a concept called piggybacking. You have probably heard the old phrase, “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” Well, that is  one of the most valuable concepts in strategies when it comes to having success with your online marketing. We can use competitive research to simply find other people that have put in the hard work, have spent money, and have put in effort to figure out what works and what does not. So we are  just going to shortcut our way to success and find out what is already working and then just do it too; it’s incredibly powerful.
The 80/20 rule – This is a Third principle; you probably realize what the 80/20 rule is. It essential says in any circumstance, 80% of your results will come from 20% of your efforts and vice versa. Twenty percent (20%) of your results will come from the other 80%. When it comes  to traffic generation, this is an incredibly true principle; actually, it probably more like 99 to 1. There are thousands upon thousands of ways to generate traffic to a Web site on the internet, but the fact is that there are only a few solid strategies that will generate most of the traffic.
The next principle is very simple. If you want more traffic, you have to own more of the internet. It’s no surprise that the majority of sites in the world that get the most traffic have something in common and that is that they have more pages out there on the internet. In other words, they own a greater percentage of the internet.
Do all of these things, your traffic grows, your business grows, and you simply just make more money on an ongoing basis when all of these things fall into place.
So these are some core principles I want you to keep in mind, and as you are already thinking, most likely, there are a lot of different ways that you can apply these principles outside of just traffic generation, but they’re very, very important and incredibly valuable for you to understand and stay focused on

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